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Chinese Grammer11-[XMandarin Chinese Course]

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被 / 叫 / 让

All three prepositions can be used in Chinese passive sentence to indicate the subject being the recipient of an action. The following should be noticed for their different usage.


1)叫and 让are often used in colloquial speech, while 被is usually employed on some formal, serious or solemn occasions.



dà mén bèi zuó wǎn de bào fēng xuě chuī dǎo le.

(The gate was blown down by the snow storm last night)


nián wǒ bèi zhè suǒ dà xué lù qǔ dú yán jiū shēng.

(In 1980 I was admitted into this university for my graduate studies)


nǐ de shū jiào ràng tā ná qù kàn le.

(Your book was taken away by him for his reading.)


wǒ de jīn yú dōu ràng jiào māo gěi chī le.

(My goldfish were all eaten up by the cat.)

When prepositions 叫 and 让are followed by personal pronouns or nouns denoting people, such sentences can sometimes cause ambiguity in meanings. 被will not cause such ambiguity. Compare the two sentences below:



xiǎo wáng jiào ràng tā dǎ le bàn gè xiǎo shí.

(Xiao Wang was beaten by him for half an hour. =小王被他打了半个小时。Xiao Wang asked / let him to beat[others]for half an hour. =小王叫他打[别人打]了半个小时)

·小王被他打了半个小时。xiǎo wáng bèi tā dǎ le bàn gè xiǎo shí.

(Xiao Wang was beaten by him for half an hour.)



There are many words in Chinese which can become a kind of “Noun Phrase” with the help of ““的”. This kind of phrase which can act as the subject or object in a sentence is called “的”phrase.

1) 、n+的

2) 、pron+的

3) 、adj+的

4) 、v.p+的n


“的”phrase can also be used to express “Gender”.“男”and “女”can not be used as the object and subject without “的” which can make them “Noun Phrase”.


nán de zhàn zhè biān, nǚ de zhàn nà biān.

★ “男人“和”女人“这两个词不常用,,因为这两个词有很重的文化意义,只有在比较“男人”和“女人”这两类人时,或者谈论家庭生活话题的时候才可以用。

“男人“and“女人”are culturally sensitive terms. They need to be used carefully, Only when we are comparing male and female, or taking about family topics, we can use them.


yǒu de nǚ ren xī wàng tā de zhàng fu huì zuò fàn. guān xīn hái zi.


zhè shì yī gè gǔ lǎo de wèn tí, yě shì rè liàn zhòng dì nán ren hé nǚ ren cháng cháng zhēng biàn de wèn tí.

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